Our Policies
For our Code of Conduct Policy, click on the link below:
For our Child Protection Policy, click on the link below:
For our Conflict of Interest Policy, click on the link below:
For our Non-Development Activity Policy, click on the link below:
Non-Development Activity Policy
For our Privacy Policy, click on the link below:
For our Transparency Policy, click on the link below:
For our Complaints Policy, click on the link below:
For our Whistleblower Policy, click on the link below:
For our Policy Development Policy, click on the link below:
For our Fundraising Communications Policy, click on the link below:
Fundraising Communications Policy
For our Development Policy, click on the link below:
For our Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy, click on the link below:
Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy
For our Anti-Bullying Policy, click on the link below:
For our Partnership Agreement Template and Due Diligence Policy, click on the link below:
Partnership Agreement Template and Due Diligence Policy
For our PSEAH Sexual Harassment Policy, click on the link below:
PSEAH Sexual Harassment Policy

MWA is a member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID).
Donations are tax deductible

The Mission Shop
Aldgate Shopping Centre, Adelaide Hills
The Mission Shop is an arm of Mission World Aid that sells second-hand goods to the community. The shop raises funds to sow into ministries in Australia and overseas.

of God's love throughout the nations"